วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My praent's opinions

My parents have big company. They work about food from fish or something comes from a sea. They share work for everybody. My mother was a manager in this company. My mother was finished to learn in school when she learned in grade 4 but she can work in manager and she haves more subordinate. Her younger sister was finished to learn in college because she wanted to learn but my mother though she can work as well as learn and in that my family wanted subordinate to work. Now my mother thinks she must learn higher but she can’t go back to amend. Now she learns in a college when she doesn’t work because she wants to know knowledge. In the past when my mother was young her parent’s think learn in school don’t important but my parent’s think I must learn in school because it is important. If you don’t learn, you won’t have work to do in the future because now we have more competition when you learn lower you mustn’t have job.
My parents think life isn’t secure. Anything can happen. We must do anything for the future because life isn’t secure. Maybe one day when you get but you can’t meet your parents what you can do and what do you do when you don’t have parents. Now we have parents we must practice for the future we must do anything by me.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

panda man กล่าวว่า...

HI OAK I read your idea about your parent opinion you write many ideas and many words I think it is good your mother is very intelligent and clever. I think in the pass peoples can work and they think education is not important they can fine a good work for life then they think they can do job .In the pass many people think education is important but they not serious because they can work when they practice and learn to work so the education is not important for them. Your mother does not have high education but your mother can make a good work she can fine a good work for life and your mother can manage your company and develop the company.

kim กล่าวว่า...

Oak you have good mother. Your mother can work in the company. And your mother learns after worked so she has more knowledge and that make she development. In the past she did not learn because her family though it not important but she think it important and give you to learn. You should concentrate to study. Because in present it hard to work if no knowledge same your mother think. I think your parents are careful because they use you to work so you will have knowledge and in future you can survive.