วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Introduce about me

My name is Oak. I’m 14 years old. This is the first blog in my life. I do this blog because
This is my work in English class for developing my English. I will write this blog every
week. This week I will introduce about me. I don’t like English because I think sometimes
English is difficult to understand but now I don’t want to fail in English again. I like
to play basketball because I think basketball is a beautiful sport when they dunk in a basketball game. Sometimes basketball is a very beautiful game but some persons
in the basketball team play very bad, Sometimes it a very bad game it doesn't fair for good players. I like to play and watch basketball but I must buy CDs because my house doesn’t have UBC. I don’t like to watch basketball only but I like to watch football too. I like Arsenal team. Arsenal plays football in a beautiful style. I like to see Arsenal play on TV or CD.
I like to take a photo and I bought my camera by my money but I take a photo about
where I go on holiday but I am not good at this. Today I must change my way to learn
because this way has many problems but I will change it now. For example after school
when I come home I will do home work before I play games or watch TV. I like to listen to
music very much because it makes me relax. I like to listen to Thai music because I know
what the word means. I like to play music. I can play piano but am not good in because it is the
first time I play piano. I don’t want to play it but my mother wants me to learn it.
When I start to learn it I don’t intend to learn it because I don’t want to learn but now
I like it and I want to learn it. I like to watch the movie, except ghost movies because
I am very afraid of ghosts. I want to see the 'lord of the rings' again because I like this movie very much. Today I know what I want to be in the future. In the future
I want to learn architecture but I know I am not have good at drawing. I think
I will start learn drawing. If I want to join in architecture, faculty I will start to try hard
and learn drawing. Finally I think people know about me.

Goodbye, see you in my next essay

Young people today

I think young people can do anything when they want to do that. Sometimes they do like adults but sometime they do like babies. Today I think young people were cleverer than young people in the past because today we can learn anywhere with Internet. Young people in the past read more books when they want to know something or they know by them-self but now they can use the Internet to find something what we want to know and I think many young people today have computer in their house. It was different between young people today and young people in the past. Somes teenagers do bad things such as they fight with another school because they think that school have annoys faces or they like to show they were very strong But I think it is wrong to think like that because it can’t show you are strong but shows what you’re farther or your mother or your schools teach you. If they want to others to know they are very strong, they should do play weight lifting. It can show you are very strong in a true way. Teenagers think when they do this it was true and it can’t be wrong. Sometimes they have more problems with their mother or father. Some teenagers drink alcohol when they go to the pub and they drive car to go home. I think it is very wrong when they drink alcohol they must use taxi to come home. When they drink alcohol they mustn’t use car because It can get an accident. If they love themself of their mother, they won’t drink alcohol and drive a car. Teenagers gamble about football with their friends. I think they were very bad because their father or their mother give money to them to save for their life or eat food or snack not to gamble.